5820 The Irish Sword. The Journal of the Military History Society of Ireland
Volume XII. Number 47. Winter 1975. €15.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

An Appreciation: Professor G.A. Hayes McCoy 81
The Historical Writings of G.A. Hayes McCoy 83
Twenty-five Years of Irish Military History by G.A. Hayes McCoy 90
Warfare in the Medieval Gaelic Lordships by Katharine Simms 98
A Contemporary Plan of the Siege of Caher Castle, 1599, and Some Additional Remarks by D. Newman Johnson 109
Balldearg O’Donnell Abroad and the French Disease in Catalonia, 1688-1697 (Concluded) by Patrick Melvin 116
Irish Recruits for the Emperor of Brazil 130
General Alexander O’Reilly and the Spanish Attack on Algiers, 1775 by John de Courcy Ireland 131
Arthur Sandes of Kerry by Eric Lambert 139
The Approved Volunteer Uniform 1914 by F. Glenn Thompson 147
St. Patrick’s Day and Aftermath, Gascony, 1814 148
Irish-born Recipients of the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor 149
Notes 152
Queries 157
Replies 160
Book Reviews 160
Forthcoming Publications of Historical Books by Members 163
Proceedings 163
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